Learn How To Increase Ball Exit Speed 3+ MPH in Just 10 Days &
How I Went from A .180 Hitter to a Division 1 All-American In Just 3 Seasons...

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  • CamWood Hands & Speed Trainer
  • FREE Bonus : Coach's Guide To Hitting Video ( Top 4 Drills )
  • ​FREE Bonus : 10 Day Bat Speed Challenge

So, How Exactly Do I Go From A .180 Hitter To A Division 1 All-American

( In Just 3 Seasons...)

From: Trey Sikes

Let me know if you have heard this before...

"If You Work Hard, The Results Will Come..."

Unfortunately, that's not entirely true...
As a parent, you just want to see your child succeed at anything they love and have passion for...

So you take them to an "expert" for private lessons which cost you a FORTUNE.

They put in so much time and effort into their craft, but they just aren't seeing the results you'd expect at this point.


Now, you are searching the internet high and low for a secret drill, ANYTHING that may help your child become a better hitter...

Is that why you're here right now...?

Are you looking for a way to increase your child's bat speed, power, and improve their swing mechanics...?

My name is Trey Sikes and I am a 2014 Division 1 All-American DH and I'm going to share a couple KEY SECRETS to becoming a better hitter...
I was known for one thing......HITTING!

But that wasn't always the case....

See, My Junior Year in High School, I finished the season with a .180 batting average...

I knew that I only had 1 more season to become a better hitter to get an opportunity to play baseball in college...

And I remember this day like it was yesterday....

The day that changed my life FOREVER...

I went down to the cage after practice to get some extra swings in....

As I was hitting, this random guy walked up behind me and watched as I was swinging...

He stops me and asks, "why don't you try to hit the ball to the opposite field...?"

I was a dead pull hitter at the time...

I immediately tried to prove him wrong.....but I couldn't do it....

After the round was over, he walked up to me and said...

"If you commit to the process,  I will teach you how to hit"....

If you just hit .180 the season before, you would take any help you can get right..?

So I made the decision to start working with this guy, and that decision changed my life forever...

Just two weeks after I started working with Frank and using this new training bat and I hit my first homerun of my high school career...

Fast forward 3 years down the road, and I was elected a Division 1 All-American...

Crazy, Right...?

You may be wondering... "What did Frank teach him..."?

He taught me the #1 key to hitting....

Secret #1: How To Stay Inside The Ball...

"What Is The #1 Flaw You See In Player's Swings...?"

The biggest issue I see today, whether it be youth players or professional level, is coming around the ball or casting their hands...

Think about it for a second...

When you come around the ball and try to pull it, the sweet spot of the bat has to come around the line the pitch is coming in on...


This shortens the amount of time the barrel stays in the hitting zone, which means you have to be PERFECTLY on time in order to make solid contact...

But as we know, 9 times out of 10 we are not perfectly on time, are we...?

So What Does It Mean To STAY INSIDE THE BALL...?


You want to drive your HANDS inside the ball, and let the barrel follow through the zone naturally...

Once you learn how to properly drive your hands inside the ball, the sweet spot of the bat will now stay on line with the pitch coming in throughout the entire swing...

Thus, maximizing your chances to barrel the ball up whether your timing is just a little late, perfectly on time, or just outfront...

We will still be able to barrel the ball up and drive it to all parts of the field...

I learned how to stay inside the ball by training with the CamWood Bat...

The CamWood Bat has added weight right above the hands which promotes taking your hands to the ball...

Creating the proper bat path of staying inside the ball!

Are You Getting This?!?

Secret #2: How To Increase Ball Exit Speed 3+ MPH in Just 10 Days...

It's like going to the gym...

If you want to get stronger, you lift heavier weights right...?

It's no different if you want to increase Bat Speed & Power...


But, There Is A HUGE Problem...

Most heavy bats are end loaded, meaning the added weight is in the barrel (or end) of the bat...


It's kind of like a sledge hammer...

With the weight on the end, the bat is now way too HEAVY for a player to swing, so their mechanics start breaking down...

We don't want that now do we...?

That is Why We Train With The CamWood Bat!!

We added the extra weight right above the hands...

So the bat doesn't feel as heavy as it actually is...

Well, how heavy is the CamWood Bat...?

The Youth models are a +6oz, so a 28 Inch CamWood Trainer weighs 34 ounces, whereas the Adult model is a +12oz, so a 33 Inch CamWood Trainer weighs 45 ounces....

And I know EXACTLY what you are thinking right now....

That's Way Too Heavy To Swing...

But that couldn't be further from the truth...

Did you know the average weight of an MLB bat is 32 ounces...?

Well, here is a video of one of our 12 year old players training with a 36 ounce CamWood Bat!
That's crazy isn't it...?

As you can see, he has absolutely no issues swinging this 36 ounce CamWood Bat!

The reason he is able to swing a much heavier bat with no issues is because the design of the bat...

The weight is right above the hands...

So, the CamWood Bat does not FEEL as heavy as it actually is.  

That's the beauty of it!

It allows you to train with a heavier bat to build strength WITHOUT breaking down your swing mechanics...

Does that make sense...?

If you use the CamWood Hands & Speed Trainer...

You WILL Gain 5+ MPH On Your Exit Velo...

If the CamWood Bat has worked for over 700+ Players....
Don't you think it will work for you too...?

What Are Others Already Saying About CamWood Bats?

“This training bat is absolutely the best way to teach the proper swing. After using it as head coach of SDSU, we raised our team batting average 67 points while tripling our homerun production.” - Tony Gwynn Hall Of Fame & 8x MLB Batting Champion

"I went from not being able to hit the ball out of the infield, to hitting 15 homeruns OFF OF A TEE in just 30 Days..." - Caleb 12u


“This is THE BEST tool that I've run across for young kids in the game." - Mo Vaughn AL MVP

"In his first tournament after the All-American Program, Gray here hit back to back to back homeruns" - Gray 8u


"Improve Speed, Stability, Power & helps you stay through the zone" - Gregor Blanco 2x World Series Champion

Who Is The CamWood Bat For...?
Doesn't Matter If You're 6 Years Old, A Softball Player, In High School, Or A Pro, 
The CamWood Is For YOU!

MLB All-Star Manny Ramirez

8 Year Old Reaping The Benefits

Youth Player Training CamWood

12 Year Old Training CamWood

Softball All-American Paige Halstead

High School Player Training CamWood

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of the Hands & Speed Trainer?
- With the added weight above the hands, when you start your swing, the weight promotes taking your hands to the ball. When you take your hands to the ball, you create the proper bat path to stay inside the ball and have a consistent swing.  With the added weight, training with the CamWood will increase your strength and also your bat speed!
- With the added weight above the hands, when you start your swing, the weight promotes taking your hands to the ball.  When you take your hands to the ball, you create the proper bat path to stay inside the ball and have a consistent swing.  With the added weight, training with the CamWood will increase your strength and also your bat speed!
What size is the CamWood Hands & Speed Trainer?
- The Youth Trainer ranges in length from 26 - 31 Inches +6oz on avg (28in = 34oz) 2.25in Barrel Size.  The Adult Trainer ranges in length from 31 - 34 Inches +12oz on avg (33in = 45oz) 2.5in Barrel Size
 - The Youth Trainer ranges in length from 26 - 31 Inches +6oz on avg (28in = 34oz) 2.25in Barrel Size
The Adult Trainer ranges in length from 31 - 34 Inches +12oz on avg (33in = 45oz) 2.5in Barrel Size
Is this bat too heavy for my child?
- NO!!! The way the bat is designed, the weight is near the hands so it does not feel much heavier than a normal game bat.  The added weight above the hands is going to develop proper bat path and increase their strength.
 - NO!!! The way the bat is designed, the weight is near the hands so it does not feel much heavier than a normal game bat.  The added weight above the hands is going to develop proper bat path and increase their strength.
What size bat should I buy?
- We recommend that you buy the same length bat that you swing in game.  If you swing a 28in drop 10 in game, we recommend the Youth 28in Trainer.  If you swing a 32in drop 3 in game, we recommend the Adult 32in Trainer.
- We recommend that you buy the same length bat that you swing in game.  If you swing a 28in drop 10 in game, we recommend the Youth 28in Trainer.  If you swing a 32in drop 3 in game, we recommend the Adult 32in Trainer.
Can this bat be used in batting practice?
- Yes, it is a normal wood bat so it can be used during batting practice.  However, as any wood bat, if you hit a ball off the end or get jammed, it potentially could break!  We recommend using this bat off of tee and front toss so we ensure no breaks.
- Yes, it is a normal wood bat so it can be used during batting practice.  However, as any wood bat, if you hit a ball off the end or get jammed, it potentially could break!  We recommend using this bat off of tee and front toss so we  ensure no breaks.
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